Holding Space Mandala
“Holding Space" (c.2022) is a unique original dot art acrylic creation by Olena Gill, Mandala and Canadian Artist.
Size: 24" x 24 x 1" stretched professional heavy duty canvas
• Each dot art canvas is created using professional acrylic paints along with triple gloss varnish seal. The varnish keeps the colour vibrant, and protects the piece from dust, cracking, UV light.
• The back is wired and ready for hanging.
• This is lovely piece that can become a conversation piece, add a unique decoration to your home, or even a focal point for meditation and contemplation.
• I add a Certificate of Authenticity to very order. This guarantees the work is an original, by me, which includes a description of your art, year of creation, and Copyright.
Shipping Completed Art canvases:
• Your piece will be packaged with great care. It will be bubble wrapped and then wrapped again in brown paper to protect the surface of the paint. I add any additional materials to ensure the safety of your purchase.
NOTE: Framing in above photos not included. This canvas arrives unframed.